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Our Community

Arch Bishop Dr Marcus M Lang Sr.

Acts Family Worship Center Apostolic Church has a long, proud history of serving the community of Racine,Wisconsin . Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors and saints, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. We are open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God.

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Stained Glass

Our Community


Acts Family Worship Center Apostolic Church has a long, proud history of serving the community of Racine, Wisconsin. Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. We are open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God.

Home: About

Worship Services  Sunday 11:30 am 

Prayer and Worship forms the basis of Acts Family Worship Center Apostolic Church. We offer a range of ways a worshipper can participate. Our calendar includes time allotted for prayer, sermons, and personal reflection, as well as guided by the Holy Ghost worshipping experience.

Home: Join Us

The Love of God! Holy Ghost Fire 

Sunday Services 9:00 Sunday School 

11:00 Break time and 

11:30 am for Worship. 

Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer

6:15pm is Bible Class. The Call in number for Bible Class is 

We offer the plan of Salvation: Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus everyone of you I the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin. 


Individual Prayer Service 

Sunday’s @10:15 and Wednesday’s @6:00pm

The prayer service is designed for 

Feel Free to contact us or pay us a visit to find out more about prayer and services at Acts Family Worship Center Apostolic Church.


“No church can be prospered in which all the ministration comes from the pulpit” We will take the city for God, One life at a time 

Bishop Dr. Marcus M.Lang Sr.

Home: Our Church

Statement of Faith 

Authentic Faith

Statement of Faith 

• We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God.

• We believe in the Oneness of God and the three manifestations of the one God, which are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

• We believe the name by which God is known is Lord Jesus Christ.

• We believe in the virgin birth, death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.

• We believe in the baptism in water in the name of Jesus according to Acts 2:38, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4. This constitutes the new birth spoken of by the Lord Jesus Christ in John 3:5.

• We believe in living a holy, consecrated, and sanctified life.

​• We believe in the translation of the saints, commonly known as the rapture (I Thess. 4:13-17).

Home: Our Mission

Sr Bishop Dr. Marcus Lang Sr. 

 610 Main Street Suite 410 Racine,Wi 53403

(262) 344-3375


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Staff and Leadership

Where to Turn for Religious Guidance


 Arch Bishop Dr Marcus Lang Sr

Sr. Bishop 

  Sr Bishop 

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Acts Family Worship Center Apostolic Church

Saving One Life at a time

At Acts Family Worship Center Apostolic Church, we have been connecting people to the heart of God since 2013. Our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our dwelling and anointed services. Become a part of our growing congregation here in Racine.

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